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About EuropeanCargo
EuropeanCargo is a logistics platform that facilitates the development of contacts between cargo owners and carriers.
Present at an European level, in countries like England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Romania, Hungary, etc., the freight exchange works on the carriage of goods and persons, evaluating the opportunities of free goods or empty vehicles, from trucks, buses and overloaded vehicles to the railway, air transportation or sea transportation.
EuropeanCargo freight exchange can be easily used viewing in real-time free trucks or available goods ads in areas such as: food and agriculture, construction, warehousing and logistics, industry, energy and exploitation, import export services and others.
We invite you to post your freight or trucks in order to be found more easily and to enjoy the facilities and promotions offered by EuropeanCargo.
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Route planning
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What users think about: EuropeanCargo
Impeccable services. I'm proud to be a European Cargo member because here I've found business partners that helped me get more freight to transport.
Manager - Speditions Firm
I've entered the European Cargo community at a colleagues advice. In time I discovered that European Cargo is a reliable partner that helps me grow my business.
Administrator - Transport Firm
With the help of European Cargo I've managed to buy two new trucks, simply because the amount of freight available in this community is huge.
Administrator - Transport Firm
EuropeanCargo Last articles
The International Transport Exchange: Innovation and Efficiency in Global Logistics
The International Transport Exchange: Innovation and Efficiency in Global Logistics
European Transport Exchange: Simplify Transportation and Logistics with www.europeancargo.ro
European Transport Exchange: Simplify Transportation and Logistics with www.europeancargo.ro

What is a Freight Exchange and How Does It Work?
A freight exchange is a digital platform that connects shippers (those who need to transport goods) with carriers (transport companies providing transportation services). The goal of the freight exchange is…